Mexico cartel turns in own men over US kidnappings


Reports from the Mexican border city of Matamoros say a splinter group of the Gulf Cartel, called the Scorpions Group, has apologised for kidnapping four US citizens last week, killing two of them, and has turned over the men it says are responsible.

On their front pages, many of Mexico's newspapers published a photograph that appears to show five men lying face down on the ground, their hands tied, and their T-shirts pulled up above their heads. It was apparently taken as police arrived on the scene.

A letter from the Scorpions Group was allegedly left with the men which apologised to the people of Matamoros, to the US victims and their families, and to a Mexican woman killed last week when the gang fired on a white minivan the Americans were travelling in.

The Associated Press says it has obtained a copy of the letter from a law enforcement official in the state of Tamaulipas.

"We have decided to turn over those who were directly involved and responsible for the events", the letter reads, saying the five had "acted under their own decision-making and lack of discipline". The letter also accuses the men of breaking the cartel's rules over "protecting the lives of the innocent".

Meanwhile, a health clinic in Matamoros where the cartel members allegedly took the injured US citizens for treatment has been cordoned off by police. Reports suggest the four Americans were taken there by the gang but the two with the worst injuries - Shaeed Woodard and Zindell Brown - died soon after.

Reuters news agency reported that Mexican officials had given the bodies of the two dead men to US officials in Matamoros on Thursday afternoon, and their remains were repatriated.

The latest developments come as some doubts have been cast in Mexico on the initial version of events. The group were said to have travelled to Matamoros for one of them, Latavia McGee, to undergo a cosmetic medical procedure at a clinic in the city. Her three friends were said to have accompanied her to the appointment.


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